Gettin Hitched

Gettin Hitched

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We're back!!!

So this blog has been severly neglected...largly due to the fact that it was Challis' baby and he quickly lost interest once it was warm enough to spend all his waking hours outdoors. I like to blog-stock but am not much of a blogger but I feel guilty knowing there is a blog out there with my name attached and no writing on it. Sad.

So here's an update (assuming anyone even looks at this anymore...which is unlikely)
We have been living the high life in Malad this summer inhabitating my parents basement. It's been a great way to save money and recoop from school but we are waaaaay ready to be back on our own again in our own space. We are really excited to be moving to Boise next week and to be in a new place together. We are hoping to buy a house and should know if we get the one that we have fallen in love with by this week. (fingers crossed)

I'm getting really excited/terrified to begin teaching kindergarten this fall. I had the worst nightmare the other night. It was the first day of school and for some reason I didn't realize the children would be coming. I hadn't set anything up or prepared any materials. The children were all really young and a lot of them were crying and rolling on the floor. I didn't know what to do and was running around frantically trying to get all the kindergarteners to all sit on the rug at the same time. Needless to say I woke up very stressed. Challis has promised that it won't be that bad and there is no way I would forget the first day of school and he will help me set up. I think once I'm closer to my classroom I will be more relaxed.

Challis has been worked crazy long days lately, which is great money wise but not so great in the seeing each other realm. I'm sooo greatful to have such a hardworking husband who is willing to get up at 4:30 am and get home at 8:00 pm and still come home smiling. Going back to school will probably be more of a break for him.

Well that's about it in just a few paragraphs. We have lots of plans for Boise and a few more still left this summer. I hope to update this a little more consistantly (at least more than my journal....don't laugh Lacy) and I will add pictures once I locate my camera cord. Until next time....


  1. Are you kidding me? I screamed when I saw, "the greatest couple to ever come out of Malad" at the top of my blog list. Please don't give up on this little this. Blogging is beautiful. Embrace it. Also, I hope I have these kids before you move...I'll do my best.

  2. dearest sweetens. so thrilled you've re-joined the blogosphere. although your commitment to blog more than you journal means little to nothing. (five entries was it?)

    however i love being updated on your life in every possible media. so keep up the blog, texting, and phone calls. i'll buy us both webcams to make the long distance friendship kit complete!!

  3. So glad that you are back! feel free to stalk my blog! i love to see the updates, and since we won't make it to boise too often I'll be excited to hear from ya every now and then.
